The Boiling Point
The Third Wave
Humanity is entering a new phase of the coronavirus crisis, preparing for a third wave that will befall us in the winter. Gradually we are beginning to grasp that the restrictions will be with us for a long time to come. We are starting to feel tired, desperate, drained, lose our sense of will and desire, and discover our mood is quite low. Life no longer offers a clear purpose to live for.
The future is about our connection, human connection. Not about connection that’s going against another, not against a leader, not against another party, but rather against our egoistic nature. We need to balance our self-concern with concern for others in the correct manner. This is the key to bringing society and the entire world back into balance.
The signs of this lack of inner fulfillment? In our subconscious we’re actually asking ourselves — what is all this for? What am I getting out of it? Ireland is about to become the first European country to go back into nation-wide lockdown, parts of Spain and Italy still have significant restrictions, Russia is at the height of infection; Hungary, Poland and Germany face a similar crisis. The pandemic keeps spreading around the world at varied boiling points. Have we completely lost control of our world? It’s starting to dawn on us that we never actually had any control to begin with. We thought we did, but now we see we didn’t. And this is an important conclusion since now, we can begin getting organized to make it all go away.
Nature Has A Purpose
Nature is a system that includes various degrees of flora, animals and us — the speaking part of nature, which must operate in a mutual and balanced manner. The active part of the system that can change things for better or worse is us — the human part. Everything happens as a result of our actions, and everything can change as a result of our future actions. At the moment, the first stage is about discovering how much all our life systems are built in an egoistic manner, opposite to the integrality of nature. How much we’re dependent on one another, but are not able to activate the good connections between us, even if we wanted to.
Discovering the Good
From the moment we understand the process a significant change will begin. We will actually be starting our new life. And from this point onward we can begin building our new state. This is the end of the egoistic era and the beginning of altruistic development. Today we are in a transition between the two eras, so we’re neither here nor there. And everything depends on us and how quickly we’ll realize and implement the shift before us. Our destiny is in our hands.
Worldwide Pandemic
Nature will force us to get along socially until we’ll be generous with one another. Until we’ll build systems where we’ll think about the benefit of others and not only how much everyone is earning and succeeding. We’ll think about how to supply each person with food and all the other elementary conditions for life. For all. And not have 1% being billionaires while others have nothing to eat tomorrow. This is not an economic matter, these things need to be built socially. Our corrected relationships will provide the foundation and everything will stem from there. Everyone in the world needs to receive this insight and behave accordingly just as we do with other laws of nature to survive. Everyone must be made aware of this. The next pandemic is coming to eradicate our sense of separation, by building mutual ties, of one humanity, one world, and belonging to one system.
The Last Eight Months
Clearly nature is developing us to have greater sensitivity for others. Of course out of a fear of getting infected. Yet the negative dependency will provide a solid foundation for building positive dependency, mutual responsibility, and good thoughts for others. Positive connections and relationships between humans gives birth to a great and comprehensive force that is greater than its parts. Support, help, warmth, and mutual security are energising, providing us with the ability to rise above our selfish and narrow-minded nature to discover consideration and concern for others. Our true life begins, in the heart of others.
The Transition Phase
The transition to our new life, from our egoistic ties to altruistic ties, won’t happen tomorrow morning. And not even in the next two months. But it’s the first sign of a new and complex era ahead of us. It may take a good few years to begin to blossom, but it’s good to already be aware of this trend. The future is about our connection, human connection. Not about connection that’s going against another, not against a leader, not against another party, but rather against our egoistic nature. We need to balance our self-concern with concern for others in the correct manner. This is the key to bringing society and the entire world back into balance.